I'd love to know if there is another solution or any advice on how best to solve this issue without me having to manually change things everytime. I Love using Apple Mail for all its other uses and handy features, so I do put up with it, but this font issue is a basic feature which should be fixed and I cannot understand why it has been ignored? Apple mail is the only mail software - that I'm aware of - that does this). In the end, this should be Apples responsability to fix (I know some Apple advocats say it is not acctually a glitch but as I see it, if I have to keep manually changing my font and font size to force it to NOT look crap on the other side, that is a problem. Also it is non compatiable with Attachment Tamer. There is also Universal Mailer but I don't like the way it affects attachemts, because it keeps converting my inline company logo in my signature to an attachment instead of leaving it inline - which means I have to keep re-attaching it which is frustrating. MessageFont apparently did work for the font issue, but seems to be no longer available. In terms of attachments I use Attachment Tamer for my attachments, which works well (but we should not need to use an app to fix how attachments work, this should be automatically built in function as a basic standard). I do not understand why it has not been sort it out by now. This font issue on Apple mail with other mail apps like Outlook, has been one of my biggest gripes with Apple Mail for a long time.